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At Little Wishes, we cherish the quality relationships between a child and parent, and the uniqueness and giftedness of each child is appreciated and valued by all educators. Due to this, we strongly believe that programs and learning experiences should reflect on the individual needs and interests of each individual child. This statement helps guide our practices and views of early learning across the Centre.


We also encourage, respect and accept the need to plan for different cultural experiences that are influenced by each family foundation. At Little Wishes, we value partnerships with families to create an inclusive environment for the children, their parents and their local community. We value parent feedback and suggestions with the sharing of idea’s, skills and recommendations and use these ideas to influence our Centre practices.  As a foundation of this practice, we promote and support the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, their parents and communities.


Our vision is for the Little Wishes family to become part of yours. This is built upon respect for everyone. Respect for the children, for the families and for the educators. Our vision is integrated throughout every day decision making when maintaining the running of our service and can be witnessed through the strong relationships we hold with all children and families.


Educators at Little Wishes are dedicated professionals that go above and beyond to provide quality care and education for all children. It is of importance to us that all Little Wishes educators obtain formal qualifications in the Early Childhood sector. Our educators are consistently evolving and developing on their professional practices and attending additional training to keep well informed, which supports the ongoing evolvement and growth to deliver a high-quality service.


At Little Wishes we pride ourselves as an Early Education Service that delivers high quality programs and practices that are influenced by the National Quality Framework. The Early Years Learning Framework and Queensland Kindergarten Guidelines are used throughout our decision making and planning to ensure children’s learning outcomes are at the forefront of the experiences provided at Little Wishes.

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